Thursday, December 30, 2010

Parents, Shmarents

My parents have the strangest relationship. They aren't exactly divorced, but they are separated and live in two different countries. They don't really speak to each other or meet each other save for the times when they want to come visit the "kids" at one another's place. But they have started being a lot nicer to each other when they do meet. They sleep in the same bed (that's something that I haven't witnessed in many many years). They buy each other gifts. They get jealous when they hear of each other having a good time. It's strange. It's like they have enforced a long-distance relationship on themselves.

So if I'm being honest, I hate this. This whole short-term romantic memory syndrome that they seem to be suffering from. Just stop. It's weird and it makes their relationship seem so cheap and meaningless. Like it's based on nothing but just temporary loneliness. They need to get a divorce. There MUST be a way I can catalyze that.

If you're thinking that I'm the most callous person in the world for not wanting my parents to be happy, you clearly know NOTHING about my family. My parents are so wrong for each other. They bring out the worst in each other. Their one wish for me and my sister is that we don't end up like them EVER, in our marital life. They have done such terrible things to each other that I don't even want to open up that part of the Pandora's box in my mind to recount them right here right now. I mean I guess they weren't terrible but they were pretty absurd and dramatic. Like stopping a car on the middle of a highway and pushing their significant other out. Like storming out of the house drunk and driving away perilously. Like physical fights. Like being so angry that they drive with absurdly high BAC levels, 50 mph OVER the speed limit, with 5 other people IN THE DAMN CAR. Enough is enough. The saga that is my parents needs to end.

I'm just so angry at them. Why are they so stupid that they keep coming back to each other?! You would think that after putting their own and other lives in danger for the umpteenth time, you would realize that this just ain't working. And it's nothing to be proud of either. "We take our marriage vows seriously. We will continue on this path till death do us part." Yeah, even if the death is induced by each other. Purely idiotic.

When my mom moved out, I was sad, though. Sad for me. But happy for them. The house was just so empty and sad. I didn't ever want to come back to this house that I didn't even recognize. None of her makeshift hair dye messing up the bathroom sink. None of her perfumes to try on when she wasn't looking. But Polo took it the worst. He moped around for days and days, looking in every room for her. People say that Polo was one of those dogs incapable of selfless love, but he really loved her. Selfless or not. It almost seem inevitable that he would not be able to live in that big empty house without her. It was like a life sucking vortex of a house. Things just died there. And although I remember good memories in that house, none of them involve our entire family. We're like wassabi peas in a pod - you can't take us all at once. Or you literally die.

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